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Adam S. Smith


I think I've suggested it previously, but since hashtags are crucial for discoverability,
the ability to add additional default hashtags (to supplement those generated from the Wordpress categories and tags) would be very attractive.

Similarly, for sites with custom taxonomies beyond the default tags and categories, it would be great if those custom taxonomies were also converted to hashtags.

1 comment
Luca Sironi

@AdamStuartSmith @pfefferle Adam, do you mean for blog posts to have also an automatic #wordpress hashtag, for helping us to search ?

That's a good idea for microblogging users, to find out blog sites to follow.

Also, but this is more extreme, I wonder if this must be something to turn on and not, eventually, to turn off.

If a blogger enable comments on posts, shouldn't care from where those comments came from, and should be happy to see interactions!

Too much communication emphasis on this techie, strange thing, it's just their website will result more discoverable

@AdamStuartSmith @pfefferle Adam, do you mean for blog posts to have also an automatic #wordpress hashtag, for helping us to search ?

That's a good idea for microblogging users, to find out blog sites to follow.

Also, but this is more extreme, I wonder if this must be something to turn on and not, eventually, to turn off.

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