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Solo - the super simple single-user photo sharing software (a side project of @pixelfed)

Drag, Drop, Sync, Share

1. Download + Extract zip
2. Open browser
3. Set username/password
4. Add photos
5. Tap Sync

It really can be this easy, will you #goSolo?

#solo #shippingSoon

David Schmidt

@dansup @pixelfed If I understand correctly this is a tool to automatically sync photos on your disc automatically with Pixelfed? Is that true?


@individual8 @pixelfed Nope, Solo is a distinct project that you can use to easily host your own single-user "mini pixelfed" server


@dansup @pixelfed sounds interesting, i am kind of thinking of a photo sharing app that Google had years ago which was called Helloapp or something


@dansup @pixelfed kind of like writefreely 's single user mode. I welcome this!
I've coded my own portfolio website, making it buggy, slow, potentially vulnerable, and uniquely mine. But I might still have a look!
I should resume posting to pixelfed, too 🙄


@PierricD @dansup @pixelfed as standalone version of writefreely I am always thinking of static blogs like thingama, a pixelfed standalone could also be a static site. without any dynamic features of course


@alexlehm @dansup @pixelfed I personally favour more and more the static site generators as well, but I guess theres something for everyone. If you want to be able to connect quickly from anywhere and get quick WYSIWYG edits done on the spot, those tools do a good job!


@PierricD incidentally, is there are static site generator that can handle video pages? I know a few specifically for image galleries, but I have not found any for peertube-like pages


@dansup @pixelfed I really love this idea.
A few months ago I talked about how things might have gone differently if ActivityPub had been a thing when Opera Unite was released. Your work makes me hopeful again.

Vinay ಕಶ್ಯಪ್ (Mr./Dr.)

@dansup @pixelfed
What is the use case? Is this so we can set up a persistent album serving full res photos, but without having to rely on sites like flickr/instagram/tumblr/icloud/google to share them with people?

Dan Stephenson

@dansup interesting. Another very innovative use of @pixelfed. I am excited to try this out.


@dansup @pixelfed I’m hoping to set that up once it’s available!

Ozzie D, NP-hard :bikepump: :vegan:

@dansup @pixelfed For me, a nice feature would be a #Darktable module that uploads directly to a specified #Pixelfed (or Solo) instance from within the app. I see a couple of requests were submitted to the DT github for this feature, but no one has picked it up (I might if I ever have time... but since I have a thousand unprocessed raw photos right now, time is clearly not on my side).


@ozdreaming @dansup @pixelfed you can do this with a lua extension in darktable, it shouldn't be that difficult.


@dansup @pixelfed I use Piwigo, DT exports directly to it, both main website and personal.


@dansup @pixelfed

Are you using #NativePHP ?

> a new way to build native applications,
using the tools you already know #PHP

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