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Rigo Wenning

@adamatmullin @w3c Look, the PSIG is existing since 2004. So there is those 20 years in which I was the team contact. And frankly, we have sufficient intelligence in the group to not need too many stochastic parrots for the moment.
This saying, I'm not excluding that I will be replaced by one 😁

1 comment

@rigo @w3c Mr. Wenning, Esq., thank you - and thanks to all the PSIG, and the W3C, which have committed to maintaining standards in a highly over-interactive-data-transmitting-frontier).

I haven't heard that word-of-the-day term in a long time.

The further optional question: will the W3C ever consider producing standards for online generating prompt "auto-data" (A.I.) or is that process reserved for Department of Defense / National Academies (originating where the Internet came from)?

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