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World Wide Web Consortium

W3C has posted that we are no longer active on X/Twitter and have directed all our followers here to Mastodon.

We are encouraging all W3C-related accounts to do the same.

Encourage your friends to follow us here!


@w3c that's awesome, now, can you explain why you gave Google and other #Bigtech companies free reign
to reshape standards for their own benefit?


@w3c The question is if you can iron-fist standards and be relevant, when one browser has over 60% market share and is not that far from 100%, when you count in all derivatives.

Sarven Capadisli

@w3c Good call!

In case this wasn't already considered or in the plans: may I suggest to run a script that creates a snapshot of all w3c account's messages at the Internet Archive / Wayback Machine? I suspect that some is already archived but worth processing it all.

Preserving w3c account's history at a trusted third-party service like the IA would probably be handy in the future.

At this point there is even less of an assurance that messages will persist but worth checking this out now.


@csarven @w3c

or, since they have control on the database, they may copy (also) each old tweet on here with the original date and time from the tweet

since it's a script it would maybe create a copy on the Wayback Machine too

Mike Huntington

@bluSCALE4 @w3c That's like asking a recovering drug addict why they don't continue to do drugs. Because it's a bad environment to be in!

Robert Kingett on hiatus

@mikey Can I give you all the medals for this and all the cookies too? This was perfect :)

Luis Larrea

@mikey@neovibe.aipp @w3c It's more like telling Jesus Christ to stop preaching to heathens.

Mike Huntington

@bluSCALE4 @w3c I'll tell you now w3c ain't Jesus and the ones causing the issues over there aren't about to listen to anything w3c has to say about the web. They barely can hear their own conscious speaking.


Hello, Wernerprise, I'm World Wide Werner 👋

WERNERPRISE° — Thomas Werner


Oh hi there! I guess that, in all probability, international antitrust laws prohibit our merger, right? 😎

I will follow anyway, although I don’t understand Dansk, but I see you have a habit of boosting interesting stuff.

Ezlin Rye


That is bloody hilarious.


Gods they even "Protected" their account. Total dark mode 🤣

@w3c yeah twitter is so dead and boring, they don't even let you talk there without forking over $20 a month to the apartheid martian with butt hair on his head
Jeremiah Lee

@w3c Welcome to the social web that you helped create!


@w3c welcome on the bright site :neocat_floof_mug:

Mensch, Marina

@w3c Hi and welcome to all your followers moving to :mastodon: ! 💐

Esmé Ciredutemps

@w3c sauf les fafs et les mascus, bien sûr

@w3c You are in for a rude awakening
Erik Moeller


Gentle nudge to remove X from site footer on ;-)

The Anniversary Kek

We don't appreciate you. You may not enter, vampire.

The Harblinger
@w3c you're doing the right thing :aru_0590: stay :fediverse:

@w3c To the Wowrldwide Web Consortium, I address the board:

What is going to happen when the Patents and Standard Interest Group Charter ends on March 31st, 2024? Would, instead of ending or renewing the charter, the WC3 be interested in addressing A.I. interactions and generations through Patent policies? Or if ending, is A.I. going to replace the Group?

Thank you.

Rigo Wenning

@adamatmullin @w3c Look, the PSIG is existing since 2004. So there is those 20 years in which I was the team contact. And frankly, we have sufficient intelligence in the group to not need too many stochastic parrots for the moment.
This saying, I'm not excluding that I will be replaced by one 😁


@rigo @w3c Mr. Wenning, Esq., thank you - and thanks to all the PSIG, and the W3C, which have committed to maintaining standards in a highly over-interactive-data-transmitting-frontier).

I haven't heard that word-of-the-day term in a long time.

The further optional question: will the W3C ever consider producing standards for online generating prompt "auto-data" (A.I.) or is that process reserved for Department of Defense / National Academies (originating where the Internet came from)?

V :ct_logo: im shocked you didnt do it earlier, considering you standarized the protocol lol

Rule 34

@w3c Great stuff! But I wish you'd keep your account open a bit longer for people to RT you


@w3c holy shit this is based as fuck


Lemme now share that old af project where i tried to make my own html (trying to be you 😜) ...
I know it's not finished yet (there are tables and page layout to do and also to finish wiki and move source links to codeberg pages from github, etc...)


@w3c @Em0nM4stodon
Thank you for showing that this (mastodon and the greater #fediverse as a whole) isn't "a nice experiment", but a real alternative to the centralised media (I wouldn't even call it social at this point).

I'm still hoping for the day that #scrimba and all my favourites from that other site join the fediverse.

Cyber Yuki

@w3c And with your own server. That's how it's done. :blobthumbsup:


@w3c W3C is a pretty much fundamental organization regarding the web and this speaks volumes. Excellent choice!

Miha Markič

@w3c You guys left X, nobody is on Twitter as it doesn't exist anymore. Good call.


@w3c Good choice, now it's time to support ActivityPub based social media more :mastodance:

World Wide Web Consortium


We've been on Mastodon since 2017 (see our profile: We are just no longer are on both X/Twitter and Mastodon

Jari Komppa 🇫🇮

@w3c Yes, it was the second part I was referring to.



OK ... I'll bite ... Who are you and what do you do and does what ever it is you do matter to the ordinary person ...?

Yes, I know I could Google the general gist, but if your leaving Xitter is such a big deal I want to know why :)


@MyView LOL this question is a joke, right?



No it isn't.

Not everybody knows everything there is to know about everything ... or even thinks they do ...


Ok. Imagine no one would set up standards how the data on a website has to be displayed in the varriaty of different browsers. Nor set up rules how links between websites are handled. There simply would be no such thing as the internet, that's how ordinary people are affected by what they did. :blobcattea:



Thank you .. Interesting reading and in simple language ... tech people can be soo technical :) ... I have bookmarked it as looks like there's interesting reading in the references too ...

Think I see why they left Xitter too ...


@MyView @w3c wikipedia: "The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web. Founded in 1994 and led by Tim Berners-Lee, the consortium is made up of member organizations that maintain full-time staff working together in the development of standards for the World Wide Web. As of 5 March 2023, W3C had 462 members.[3][2] W3C also engages in education and outreach, develops software and serves as an open forum for discussion about the Web."

Russell Phillips

@MyView @w3c they're the standards organisation for the web. They create and maintain the standards that are used for websites and related technologies (HTTP, HTML, CSS, XML, etc).

They also maintain the ActivityPub protocol, used by the Fediverse.

Minnie Mel I would but I'm still unreasonably upset about the removal of the

tag even if I understand the rationale and agree with the other two losses at the time (blink and marquee were really bad)


@w3c welcome to gay nerd hacker non-social network :3 :blahaj:​


🌟 Explore the enchanting world of @enigmaseduction on FanVue! 🚀 Dive into their profile for exclusive content and join the excitement: 🎉

Fabian (Bocchi) 🏳️‍🌈

Lets hope those pesky people of will also join the fedi one day!

Welcome to the Fediverse, @w3c You're late to your own tech :ablobcatgooglymlemjumping:

World Wide Web Consortium


We've been on Mastodon since 2017 (see our profile:

We are just no longer are on both X/Twitter and Mastodon

Fabian (Bocchi) 🏳️‍🌈

@w3c :blobcat_flop_woozy: ohw! Thanks for letting me know this. ♥️

Brad Dougherty

@w3c probably not a great idea to break old links unnecessarily by making the account protected


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Since I was never on the "Dead Bird" I can now learn what I've been missing ;-)

Vivian Schey 🏳️‍🌈 🇩🇪 <(FSM)<{


So, THE internet authority has decided to switch places.

Let this sink in.

If I still needed a sign to switch, this was it.


@w3c can you snap your fingers and make w3c a TLD? then you could be @w3c@w3c.w3c

Franziska Köppe | madiko

@w3c welcome to the Fediverse! It's great to have you here. 👋🏼😊

Deadly Headshot Your ALT text suggests you're using UUCP ("@w3c!").


@w3c but it's likely no one outside my community will see my comments because of the centralized block lists.

So it goes.

Šime Vidas

@w3c Impressive. Very nice. … Let’s see WHATWG’s bio.



Welcome, what a great and morally right gesture!

halva is

@w3c why not google+? y'all seem to like those bunch

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