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sprague dawley rats are used for cancer research cause they generally get cancer after like 2 or 3 years. So you can faster results on how cancerous something is if the rats get tumors within like 6 months

Fun fact: An anti GMO group used this to spread fud about gmos giving you cancer by showing off enormous tumors in sprague dawley rats. Except the rats in the study were years old
@phseiff @mcc

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@skyeye @kinyutaka @phseiff @mcc IIRC a lot of pet rats are descendents of lab rats and this is why they too are predisposed to growing tumors. Also the "look at all this cancer in the cancer rats" study I'm aware of was about glyphosate/Roundup: whether or not it can cause cancer, the most widely popularized study (which had photographs of grotesque tumors) was the result of keeping the rats alive well past the point they naturally develop severe tumors for shock value.

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