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Parker Higgins

If you take the "c" and "x" off the ends of "cardboard box", you're left with a perfectly repeating ardbo-ardbo


@xor I'm really hoping someone comes up with a good use of this fact.

birthday crimesmas

@xor i wanna know what on earth made you notice this

Parker Higgins

@xyzzy there is a real answer but it's only sort of satisfying: i was searching for wordlist entries where the two halves "fuzzy match" (i was thinking like, razzle-dazzle or dilly-dally) and was boggled to come across CARDBOARDBOX

also a weed gummy

birthday crimesmas

@xor it’s an incredible discovery, thank you for sharing it

JSON Baumgartner


This is the kind of content you just can't find on Twitter and why I moved here.

John H

@xor With “ardbo” being an anagram of “broad” – this is a gift for some cryptic crossword compiler out there…

Rich Lafferty 🐀

@xor this is up there with homeowner containing meow

Colin the Mathmo

@xor I'm late to the party ... this is wonderful!

I have a 'bot that posts a pithy one-liner every morning (UK time) and I'd like to include this.

(a) May i?

(b) If so, how would you like to be credited?

(b1) Not at all;
(b2) By name only;
(b3) By handle;
(b4) Quoting the toot URL;
(b5) Other.

Regardless ... absolutely lovely. Thank you.

Parker Higgins

@ColinTheMathmo yes of course, and I would like a credit by handle or by name or not at all, in descending order of preference. incidentally! this was a viral tweet (of mine) before it was a toot

Colin the Mathmo

@xor So currently my thought is:

<text> -- Parker Higgins, @xor

Would that work for you?

And I'm exploring the twitter discussion ... lots of fun little things.

Parker Higgins

@ColinTheMathmo yep, that's great! appreciate your checking, and i'm easy on this front

Colin the Mathmo

@xor Cool, no problem, and excellent!


Thanks again.

It's gone in the program for several months from now ... I have about 600 in the list.


@xor @ColinTheMathmo
"Life goes in circles
Around and around, circulating
I sometimes wonder
What's moving underground
I'm escaping"

Here's me hoping that only on Mastodon would this obscure 80's reference be posted to your twice viral tweet/toot

Dai o'Génēs

@xor also the word onion is a fractal:

Stewart Russell

@xor a bit like why Edward Woodward's name had so many Ds in it


Typical. People always trying to keep ardbo-ardbo in a box.

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