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Stefan Bohacek

Anyone interested in helping me test a tool I'm working on?

Right now it can tell you how many of your images are missing alt text. Some ideas I am playing with:

- check for image descriptions that are too long or too short (Whatever that means! And what about non-English text?)
- check if you CapitalizeYourHashtags properly


#accessibility #a11y #AltText #ImageDescription #WorkInProgress

DJM (freelance for hire)

@stefan testing... loading posts, can take a while (5060)

Stefan Bohacek

@cybeardjm Thank you!

Yep, Mastodon only lets you query 40 posts at a time. It's a real pain.

DJM (freelance for hire)

@stefan After reading/loading 5060 posts, here are the results ???

"Out of your 798 posts, 290 have visual media attached. Out of the 303 images and videos you posted in total, 290 have alt text. That's about 96%."

These numbers are "floating"... ;-)

Stefan Bohacek

@cybeardjm Very nice!

And thank you, I appreciate you giving this a try!

DJM (freelance for hire)

@stefan The images shown indeed have no alt-text. Mainly, when I post via in fact, as it forgets a few things, including the link to the post sometimes... Publishes just the title and adds the main image, that's all. I usually edit them them when I see them (as they might be delayed too...)

DJM (freelance for hire)

@stefan but frankly I have many more posts with images (and alt-text) than that... ;-)

Jeff Sikes

@stefan Looks good. 91% for me. Noticed a couple of things. Some of the images without alt text were from private messages with individuals I knew would not need alt text. Exclude private messages?

The other was videos... some of the third party apps don’t allow captions for videos. Will open an issue with them because it is supported by the api!

Stefan Bohacek

@box464 Thank you for giving this a try!

Hmm, good point about alt text in private messages, I haven't really considered that.

Funny enough, once I fully embraced adding alt text to my images, I run into a bit of a dilemma with doing that in scenarios such as the one you brought up.

On some level it does make sense, if I'm sharing an image with a small audience where I *know* everyone is sighted, what's the big deal.

Stefan Bohacek

@box464 But it also occurred to me that I might be wrong about my assumptions. What if this person does have sight issues they're not comfortable sharing? What if they might want to share the image with a blind person, it would be nice if they could just copy the alt text? What if the image is confusing? Alt text might provide more context. Or help if the internet is too slow and the image takes a while to load.

Stefan Bohacek

@box464 I am not really disagreeing with you here, just thinking out loud. Let me give this a bit more thought.

Jeff Sikes

@stefan Agreed it has become habitual now to add alt text in all online interactions. I even look for it outside of Mastodon (MS Teams at work, etc.). If I know the person well and we are hashing out a problem with an application (the most common) I admit I don't stop to add the alt text every time.

On the other hand, tho, stopping to add alt-text might uncover a solution to the captured issue as I slow down and write it out!

Stefan Bohacek

@box464 Yeah, I'm kind of the same, and definitely more strict about this on here.

Well, either way, I don't think the goal of the tool should be to get 100%, and I'd rather not make too many assumptions when presenting the data.

I think it will be more helpful to provide more context to the user, for example, show how many images were captioned described in private images vs public?

Brendan Jones

@stefan I will note that capitalising your hashtags properly is kneecapped by this

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