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I've seen apps in TestFlight for 4 years before they get publicly released

Not saying thats how long the Pixelfed app will take, I'd rather go slow and carefully build a polished experience rather than rushing out something half baked with no or little input from the community.



@dansup You want to get all your ducks in a row before submitting it for final app store approval, too. If you're unlucky enough to get a reviewer who just decides they don't want to approve it, you may end up waiting another four years!

scott f

@dansup I was in the TestFlight, and it didn't seem half baked to me. It was a much better experience than what mobile web is currently, which is all I have now that I got kicked out of the TestFlight.


@scott it’s much better now, the updated TestFlight is on the website and there are still spots open, I won’t be expiring it again, sorry about that!

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