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Justin (


For clarity's sale it might help if you told us who's responsibility you feel it is to be "taking control of your experience"?

Technology Connections

@JustinH The people building the product.

And I'm sorry, but I'm not so ideologically committed to this project to become one of those people.

So - either some folks who understand the needs to large-follower accounts need to speak up and steer the ship, or I'll consider this ship a lost cause.

Justin (

@TechConnectify These (mostly volunteer) people specifically?

Not trying to sealion you, but I hesitate to think of Mastodon (the software) as a "product" since nothing is for sale?

Like, from my perspective, since nobody owns or controls Mastodon (again, referring to the software, not any instances), we are *all* responsible for "building the product", to whatever degree we choose to exercise that responsibility (or not).

Technology Connections

@JustinH I know you're not trying to sealion me, but gosh does it feel like it.

You want this to be a place people want to be? Then you need it to be attractive to all people.

And I have had actual conversation now with folks in this project which makes me feel as though my concerns will never be taken seriously. Honestly, I think that's because the general attitude is "this is everybody's responsibility" - but I'm here to tell you that attitude means nothing gets done.

Technology Connections

@JustinH And also? The whole "just use this other client/fork/instance" thing is utterly confusing to navigate for average folks.

There's a lot of expertise shared by the most prolific people here that isn't actually common - but the shared experience suggests it is.

Justin (

@TechConnectify Idk I doubt is trying to be "attractive to all people" (and if they are, they are clearly failing lol). But when hosting is paid for by donations and the work of moderating is performed by volunteers, there is basically no incentive for a single instance to grow perpetually.

I'm not saying you're wrong to desire a less hands-on experience, just that expecting it (for free) is is a fool's errand.

(yadda yadda yadda on corporate media you are the product)

Technology Connections

@JustinH to be clear, I am not expecting it for free. But until someone gives me the tiniest bit of confidence that they understand and sympathize with my concerns (which I will be honest, I am not hearing from you) thinking that I will contribute is a fool's errand.

Justin (

@TechConnectify I'm assuming people have suggested starting a bounty for the changes you want? That's the usual path for non-programmers to accelerate creation of new features in FOSS projects.

On another note, I've had a business idea for a while now to run an small, but aggressively moderated instance for the follower-privileged folk who don't want Twitter/BlueSky/Threads. I doubt your experience is unique. Maybe it's time to get serious about exploring that!



I kind of think of Fedi the same way as email: built by people with the best intentions who never thought spam and filtering would be a necessity, and it worked real well until it hit a critical threshold. Email never solved this issue as a protocol - it's up to each domain to filter content individually. Hopefully folks begin to investigate the possibility of automated spam/hate message filtering on their instances...

Braw :blob_cat_melt: 🏳‍🌈

@ryan like it's not exactly hard. There are bunch of AI models to test for negative sentiment.

Nothing also stops Mastodon from doing what Twitter was doing, where you could report tweets just because you didn't like them, which acted as a dislike and affected user score, downgrading their visibility.

But then, there will surely be dorks here who will modify their instances to not track their scores or accept such reports. Wonders of federation.


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