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@sewblue I agree completely.

I understand the aversion to quote-toots given the harassment angle, but they were also very valuable in shaping culture, discourse, and expectations.

They were an opportunity to learn *from the crowd* whereas here, every piece of feedback is direct.

And in my position, some people delight in taking pot-shots. It sucks.

I know for a fact that's happening all the time in my YT comments, but the system design there makes it so I'm unaware of it. I want that here.


@TechConnectify @sewblue something I see from time to time folks doing is a "DIY quote toot" , I think there was something similar on early twitter not sure tho , is writing a comment with "RE: [link to post]" at the end + mentioning the user so they get a notification about it . Not perfect but it exists ig , also hope its not something you mentioned already :neofox_sweat: , sorry if you did

Also yes I know its not something which solves all your problems hope it didn't feel like that >-<

Melvin Gundlach

@minekpo1 Some clients also display those as quote toots.


@TechConnectify It needs to be fixed at the structural level. Every major player here that I follow (normal people with decent follower count mind you, vs celebrities who likely have account managers) has had your exact issue. Mastodon becomes awful for them, while for us nobodies it's great and friendly. Working as designed.

No amount courtesy rules are going to fix a structural issue.

This will kill Mastodon long term if it isn't fixed. Driving off the medium sized accounts due to toxicity is still toxicity. Wish I had a fix, other than being liberal with the block function.

I naively thought this place would be great because the bad actors and bots could easily filtered out. Had not anticipated that each of us in the right circumstances can be a bad actor. Once again, humans aren't archetypes, behaving consistently and easily designed around.

@TechConnectify It needs to be fixed at the structural level. Every major player here that I follow (normal people with decent follower count mind you, vs celebrities who likely have account managers) has had your exact issue. Mastodon becomes awful for them, while for us nobodies it's great and friendly. Working as designed.

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