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🌱 Ligniform :donor:​

@catsalad I watched this for a good 5 minutes expecting to see something else 🙃​

Gabriel ⛺💤

@catsalad this make me think about a problem I had in a game named « Space engineers »: A drilling drone with a camera on the front gave the same experience as in the video; It's bad, really bad, to control ^^’. I ended up having an other drone on the top of the area with a camera to have a generic view of the place. And now, with that experience, I'm coupling my backyard camera with my drone lawnmower to achieve the same ease in real life. Funny ^^’


@catsalad that’s both amazing and also an impressively effective way to induce instant motion sickness.



Don’t give players shovels. Have we learned nothing from Mythic Quest?

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