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Tube🍂Time says that i need to copy SF85E4X.BIO to both Install and Disk01. then add "SF85E4X.BIO" to the start of ABIOS.SYS (a text file) on both disks.


...but this is umm less promising. "Trap D" is IBM-speak for "General Protection Fault"


i have a funny feeling this is a problem with my DBA-ESDI emulator. also it appears to be corrupting sector writes, so i'll need to solve that problem.


this is hilarious: the xscreensaver called "bsod" (which i used to use as my screensaver many years ago) has an OS/2 2.0 fake BSOD with many of the same details! same trap address, same BIOS version. wild.


@tubetime I remember that screensaver. IIRC the Windows NT version even did hard drive access that made the light come on to simulate writing a crash dump


anyway I got new hardware -- this is my version of the device for the 72-pin DBA-ESDI form factor. I've made minor changes to the FPGA bitstream so it can handle this card as well.


trying it out in my PS/2 model 50Z. it just plugs right in where the hard drive goes.


my DIFDIAG program can see the drive and talk to it, but some functions don't seem to be working. this will take some troubleshooting.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

so there is still data corruption occurring on the Thinkpad. only this time, write operations are affected. it's more or less random but much more frequent than the read issue i fixed earlier.

an old data word is getting counted twice. logic analyzer time. 😑

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

this has turned into a very challenging project!

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

after connecting the logic analyzer and bringing some internal signals out to pins, it suddenly decides to start working 😅

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

the data ready handshaking flag is getting cleared in the wrong spot. test1 is the flag, and the green M1 cursor shows that it is getting cleared even though DMA hasn't started

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i was using a version of the "dma running" signal that was latched on the falling edge of CMD, so it was possible to trigger this clear signal even when DMA wasn't actually in progress.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

after that change, it seems to be passing both the write and the read test loops. i'll run them a bit longer just to make sure.

Tube🍂Time replied to Tube🍂Time

i will say that it's the perfect time of year to be running this huge logic analyzer. it puts out a lot of heat!

Piersg replied to Tube🍂Time

@tubetime is it Geiger counter on the RAM time? (Apologies if that was the first thing you tried)

Ian Hanschen

@tubetime I think this might be handy for Sega TeraDrive owners who don't want to waste the 1 free ISA slot on an IDE controller when the ESDI drive dies.


@furan teradrive uses a 44-pin interface? maybe IDE but not quite the same? it is not a MCA machine anyway

Darryl Ramm

@tubetime Half an operating system. ... I never get tired of that.

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