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Jason Lefkowitz

@enkiv2 For a long time in the β€˜90s, AOL did this. For all the flak they got for being the ISP for the clueless, they gave every user a chunk of FTP-accessible webspace they could do whatever they wanted with. My first personal homepage, now long lost, lived there.

I would love to see a revival of basic static HTML publishing again. We’ve put so many layers of simplification on top of it that normal people can’t publish anymore. But you can teach a normal person basic HTML in a couple of hours.

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Andrew Cook

@jalefkowit @enkiv2 I discovered Tailscale a few months ago, and one of the things I love is that it allows you to really simply and easily host a static page using the Funnel feature:

It only requires a running machine of some sort, but it can be a Raspberry Pi sitting in the corner. No port forwarding, web server, SSL or other configuration to worry about, the app does it all for you!

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