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half-life (xash3d fwgs) works fine on the MNT Pocket Reform actually

Sky UwU

@mntmn If only it managed to be cheaper somehow haha, it looks so cool! I wonder if it would be possible to throw some joysticks onto it, or maybe thats a bad idea....

lina :bisexual_flag:

@mntmn around what frame rate it does run?
Soo nice to see pocket reform to play this amazing game >.<

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@mntmn That's an interesting device. (Why didn't I know of it yet?)


@steeph i also have a hard time figuring out why people don't hear about our stuff...

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@mntmn I wonder if typing on it feels like it looks like it would feel. And how the handling of it compares to that of a VAIO P. And how software support for the platform/architecture is. Thr only time I tried Debian on an ARM device was wit the Gemini PDA and there installing anything not from the official repo (that wasn't maintained and very limited) was an adventure and not fun.


@steeph here's a video of trying touch-typing on the device:

Debian integration is pretty good now i would say, 99.9% of stuff comes from the stock arm64 repos. Some software needs a beefier GPU though.

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@mntmn Nice! I don't have as much money as I want certain sub-notebooks. But I'm looking forward to trying this one one day.

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