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young man yells at the cloud

@corbin @grs @josephcox Lol, yeah right, like they don't make plenty of money by selling your data and reporting the legitimately-generated view

Corbin Davenport

@bamboombibbitybop @grs @josephcox google doesn’t sell user data because it hoards data about you and used that to target its own advertisements, if you’re blocking ads then there’s nothing to pay the server bills or the creators with. also if your answer is “youtube should just be subsidized by google search revenue” then that’s opening the door for antitrust action that could just kill YT entirely.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@corbin @bamboombibbitybop @grs @josephcox ad blockers have been around for decades. Google is enshittifying its offering because it needs to squeeze more revenue from its users.

Instead of making their offering more appealing, they're making it worse in the hope that users will pay them to put it back.

Corbin Davenport

@tob @bamboombibbitybop @grs @josephcox “enshittifying” is making people watch short ads or pay for premium to pay for countless terabytes of storage and bandwidth, global CDs, and revenue sharing with creators? okay.

Tom Bellin :picardfacepalm:

@corbin @bamboombibbitybop @grs @josephcox How does adding a 5 second delay to videos not qualify as making their product worse.

Also, the content creators are getting screwed, too. Not by ublock.


@corbin @tob @bamboombibbitybop @grs @josephcox finaly i find this man from meme irl :blobcatthumbsup:

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