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Kev Quirk

@garritfra Ah this annoys me so much. I’m not a gamer, but I do occasionally play a bit of COD when time permits - I have an XBox One, but because I don’t use it often, I always have to spend at least 30 minutes updating everything when I do turn it on. Sometime it’s hours, and I only have time to update the thing.

I understand why that happens, but it’s very frustrating. Auto-updates would be nice.

Garrit 🏡🛠️

@kev update time is one thing, but given these machines usually only have 500 GB to 1 TB of storage, I frequently go through my library and have to delete a bunch of games I don't play anymore. On my PS4, I can only have 2 - 3 AAA games installed at max. Really spoils the fun when you randomly feel like playing that one game in your drawer.


@garritfra @kev been eyeing off upgrading the PS5‘s SSD, but the 1 TB was enough for my needs so far.

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