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138 posts total
Garrit 🚗🏕️

My knees are finally getting a lot better. These sprint intervals felt great! 💪


Benjamin Han

@garritfra Congrats, and it looks like a beautiful course to run too!

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Opening your talk?

Skip the waffle. No one cares where you work or how many awards you've worked on.

Grab attention with a hook like, a question, or a bold statement, then get straight to the good stuff.

Remeber - useful AND Interesting

Colin the Mathmo

@d_yellowlees This is absolutely one of the key points ... how to start.

There is some great advice on-line, but your point is exactly on point.

Start with a hook !!!

Garrit 🚗🏕️

This is one of those brilliant posts you sometimes randomly stumble upon.

Feynman's Garden @

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Had to go easy on my knees, but the faster pace felt really good.


Garrit 🚗🏕️

Sightseeing with a #Garmin watch as a navigation device is a yes from me. 👍

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Found this honey-infused beer on our roadtrip. Can recommend!

#tootyourbrew #beer

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Just stumbled upon the #IronLakeChallenge:

A challenge to run/hike around the 10 largest lakes in your state. In my case (#IronLakeChallengeNiedersachsen), it's ~145 km to get a medal, with the longest trip being ~30 km around Steinhuder Meer. Certainly sounds fun!

#running #hiking


That really sounds fun!
Schleswig-Holstein has 200km to offer. 😍
Will have a look at it!

Garrit 🚗🏕️

I've been tinkering with an ARM-only #Kubernetes cluster using the Hetzner cloud this week. I'm running three control-plane nodes and six worker nodes, totaling 30 vCPU and 55 GB RAM, for about € 38/month.

Hetzner is awesome.

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Everytime I work with Helm in #Kubernetes I'm reminded of why I want to stay away from Helm.

I just wasted a good hour trying to figure out why our ingress-nginx helm release wouldn't deploy a service monitor. The solution was to ugrade the chart by setting `controller.metrics.enabled` to false and then true again, which triggers a new helm reconciliation.

The whole point of Kubernetes is to match a desired state with the actual state, and then Helm comes along and breaks this behavior. FML.


@garritfra I dont know anything about Helm Charts and I'am not looking forward to this section.

Blender Fox

@garritfra That's not the worst part.

The worst part is when you try to figure out how a specific chart works and they have broken the chart down into a million and one subcharts.


helm template my-chart helm-repo/chart-name \
-f values.yaml \
--namespace my-namespace \
--include-crds \
| yq eval 'del(.metadata.labels[""], .metadata.labels[""], .spec.template.metadata.labels[""])' - > manifest.yaml
And then kustomization.yaml to override/complete and apply.
Defeats the purpose of helm but helm started this.

Garrit 🚗🏕️

One of my goals for 2024 [1] was to get my butt out of the door and run at least one 10k, and I'm proud to say that I just reached that goal [2]! 🥳




@garritfra Congrats! Great effort! 👍

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Living Life Without Owning A Car

Come along on a ride of how I was able to obtain my dream car in a challenging situation, but it all ended in a completely different direction.

#blog #WeblogPoMo2024


@garritfra I wrote the post 😄. I may do another one about my driving history and the automobiles I've had.

Garrit 🚗🏕️

My Garmin Instinct 2S Solar arrived, and it looks and feels really solid. First impression: there's nothing this thing can't do. 😂

Kev Quirk

@garritfra I had a Garmin Forerunner back in the day and it was fantastic. In fact, I think I still have it in the drawer at home.


@garritfra These things are beasts! You'll get bored of it before it ever breaks down.

Garrit 🚗🏕️

On todays session of #bullshitbingo:

- Align on something
- Sundown an app
- Enabler (Also known as a Feature)

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Ran my first continuous 5k today. My personal best for this distance was apparently 30'34 min back in 2017. No clue how I managed to do that, but my goal is to beat 30 minutes this year.

Now enjoying a Pita in the park.


Garrit 🚗🏕️

Today's run. My heart rate was pretty stable today, compared to two days ago.



@garritfra Rock on! How're you liking your ASICS?


@garritfra Perfect review mate! Thanks. Garmin looks interesting as well. Looking forward to the review.

Joel :void: :casio:

@garritfra I didn't know you got one of the smart models, those are meh imo so yeah.

And if you already have your phone while running around why not just use that :blobcatderpy:

Garrit 🚗🏕️

Good morning my brain decided I had to immediately create and post this

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Zalasur 🐵

@theresnotime The fun fact about "serverless" computing is that if you go to the Wikipedia page for it, it says right in the first paragraph that the term is a misnomer.

The DJ Mr P

@theresnotime it means software server not hardware "server" platform.


@theresnotime if it# something besides peer to peer i will kill

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