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Ghost of Hope

@babe This keyboard's sibling was my first input device in a real programming job. They were brill. They belonged to a PS/2 Model 80.

Model 80 got long in the tooth and the company wouldn't upgrade. I resorted to accidentally kicking the tower over. Repeatedly.

It survived. Repeatedly.

Eventually I accidentally (really this time) managed to shove a VGA cable in badly and bend a pin and convinced my boss the motherboard had died because there was no video output, and the PS/2 was retired and I got a shiny new... I dunno, generic 486 with a co-processor and many rams. But they took away my keyboard and I had to use the new generic one.

I broke FIVE of the new ones in the first year, before I learned to be gentle with the poor flimsy things.

The PS/2 keyboard absolutely rocked. It was unbreakable.

tiddy roosevelt

@grayface_ghost When I got my first computer of my very own I had one of the shitty cheap imitation microsoft ones. I broke it within weeks and since no one else in my family was all that attached to this one, I pinched it from the more communal computer.

Through a lot of my teen years I had to have a towel or two folded up underneath it to try and dampen the noise because it drove people nuts. I'd still get told to shut the fuck up occasionally.

tiddy roosevelt

@grayface_ghost Funnily enough it's one of very few things that have actually stayed with me and survived from my childhood. The only other things being a christening bracelet and a teddy bear

Ghost of Hope


That's a definite win. Life advice from an old hag, keep those things forever. I don't really have anything from when I was a kid, some school poems is about it.

My ex "convinced" me to throw out the teddy I had when I was a baby years ago. Not great but... then the BBC Micro had to go because it was taking up space. And I did it.

If I still had that Beeb now, you'd have to pry it from my cold dead fingers with a crowbar. I survived being a teenager because of that thing.

tiddy roosevelt

@grayface_ghost Oh I'll be keeping at least two of them. The teddy I actually don't care all that much about if I'm honest, some bad memories.
The keyboard is the one of the three I'm seriously attached to though. I grew up very isolated and was online most of the day and night, every day and night. It's become a bit of a symbol of my own survival in a way, not least in its coming with me when I left.

Funny the stock we put in some things, eh

tiddy roosevelt

@grayface_ghost Also I'm very sorry you lost those things. I know the importance they can hold, that really must have stung

Ghost of Hope



It's not really the things, is it? It's what they represent and what they represent is real and powerful, and losing them means losing part of what they represent.

People tell you it's just stuff. But it's not. Stuff has baggage that can't be detached.

Keep the keyboard, I hope I'm around for his 40th :)

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