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CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

"Minimalism is a scam invented by big small to sell more less"


Allan Chow

@catsalad no higher margin than selling more less



Less is less,
More is more.
Less is bad,
More is better.
Except when it's too much,
Then it's just right.
~The Tick


Minimisin is full of companies trying to sell you stuff.

Skip bins
Trailers to take stuff to the tip
Tip fees
Consultants to help sort what to keep and throw out.
Storage boxes, bags, wardrobes, bookshelves, cupboards.
Videos, books and tv shows to show you how to do it.

Eugenia L

@catsalad Minimalism is 100% legitimate as a lifestyle, if you don't take into account the artificially-created marketing around it. It's not productive to say that minimalism is ONLY what you described. Minimalism is what we ALL will have to do to save the planet, eventually.


@catsalad While it is good to have minimalism in some things, trying to make minimalism as a whole culture kills art.


@catsalad This is absolutely beautiful. Sorry no add-on gag in this toot.

Matt Palmer

@catsalad @jwz "you're just a puppet of big small!" is my new favourite insult.

🤔 A friend sent me the same joke this morning.

I thought that was a strange coincidence, glad it was helpful.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

@bitcrush_io Can't find the post itself, but I at least credited the profile. ✅

Kudra :maybe_verified:

@deventer @catsalad @bitcrush_io hmm, only this year? Hate to say it but there's at least two versions of this on Xitter which are at least 2 years old. I went looking when the screenshot was shared with me elsewheres and wanted to boost here, though I can see why they've removed it, probably don't want to get flak for not attributing it.


@catsalad @bitcrush_io the post here but their instance is allowlist so you probably can’t find it from yours

Wendy Lady

@catsalad I'm too broke to not be a maximalist. Lol.


@catsalad reject Minimalism, embrace HBO Hoarders-ism. /s


@catsalad @typhlosion

Of course! Just like tiny houses, everybody needs one!


@catsalad I thought it was to charge more for less.

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