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Ryan Pollard

@Chrishallbeck I should win some kind of engineering award for the number of items on my desk, just out of visual range of my webcam.

Eva Amsen

@Chrishallbeck How did you get this live satellite image of my home office?

Bruce Heerssen

@dao @Chrishallbeck it does seem like that would help with the cleaning. Or at least concentrate the clutter piles.


@Chrishallbeck maybe they have a cam that cleans for you as shown in the picture

JosΓ©/Joana de Castro Arnaud

Me: Wouldn't be easier to, like, shoving all the clutter in a garbage sack, then sorting it out later (or never)?

Character: You don't understand my style. [Upturned nose]


During the lockdowns I had to hold some online oral exams. Most students chose a neutral background (white wall, maybe some pictures hanging or a book shelf) but every now and then I was just thrown into their chaotic dormitory rooms. Like what the hell is laying in the left corner of your room that you prefer showing me, your university professor, your messy bed full of dirty clothes (yes, also underwear) on the right ?!?

Delta Charlie β˜‘οΈ

@Chrishallbeck Zoom's surveillance concerns stem from its data collection practices, raising privacy alarms. The platform gathers user information and communication data, potentially compromising personal privacy when not managed transparently and securely.

There's also filters.

Kathy Chandler 🌻

@Chrishallbeck I found turning the desk around so the camera faced the wall involved far less tidying! πŸ˜‚

I see Dud people!

@Chrishallbeck With Green Screen you don't even need to do that! 😎


@BackFromTheDud @Chrishallbeck

*quickly removes clothes from green screen and sticks green tape over coffee stains*

exactly! πŸ˜…



1. Tidy, thoroughly, once
2. Take backdrop picture
3. Buy a green screen
4. Profit

Tim Lavoie

@Chrishallbeck While this is me, I do make a point of leaving my @effinbirds "Eat Farts" pillow visible on the couch behind me.

Funny how few co-workers have noticed.


@Chrishallbeck the real peripheral vision of you πŸ˜‚


@Chrishallbeck every streamer, EVER.... (this includes me 😭 )


@Chrishallbeck putting sticky bits of masking tape just millimeters on both sides of the lens can free up more real estate for more stuff brah...


@Chrishallbeck Me: Aahhh! Mission abort. Seems like those two photo frames behind you support reflection.

Character: You speculated wrong. They're not even photo frames for that matter. *maniacal chuckle*


@Chrishallbeck there is still lots of unused invisible space directly behind the chair πŸ€”

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