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Herzenschein++ 🩵⭐


I have two questions. Given the following:


"Synapse and Dendrite have been under the auspices of the Foundation since 2019. Our role has been to hold the assets and provide some infrastructure."


"The vast majority of maintenance and development on these projects comes from folks working at Element."


I see that both Synapse and Dendrite are under the matrix-org namespace on Github.


Could you elaborate a bit further on how much of current Synapse/Dendrite development is done by the Element/Foundation folks? What is "assets", "maintenance" and "infrastructure" in this case?


Where would the forks be hosted, given the original projects are already on Github under matrix-org?

1 comment
The Foundation

@herzenschein To your questions:

1) The Foundation itself never did maintenance or development of either project.
2) Assets refers to the copyrights, or at least those which Element was entitled to assign to the Foundation in the first place.
3) Infrastructure here refers to the GitHub org, repo, and communications infrastructure including Matrix rooms and their moderation.
4) Our understanding is that the forks will live under a GH org belonging to Element.

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