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Brian Fenton

@oluOnline I really miss when RSS was prominent and well-supported. You could subscribe to sites and their content came to you, generally in a focused/ad-free way too

Social bookmarking was a thing too... people would share their bookmarks and organize little communities around shared interests/interesting people

Sten the Sten



+1 to this. I feel like 2000-ish was the best of the Web. It certainly had lots of problems (very similar ones to current Mastodon....) but the balance between being able to find things with a search, stumble across things or go down hyperlink ratholes balanced the best against ads/spyware/assorted nastiness.

Stumbleupon,, google in their don't-be-evil days were pretty spectacular.

Brian Fenton

@thatsten @oluOnline yeah as long as you knew not to install Banzai Buddy you were largely OK 😆

AlgoCompSynth by znmeb

@thatsten @brianfenton @oluOnline

What do I wish would come back?

1. All sites - every last one of them - working with Lynx.
2. Plain text email the standard with no tracking!
3. View Source!!!!!!


@brianfenton @oluOnline The latter was Google+. Circles and sharing of circles.

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