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In case there are any obvious conclusions I'm missing:

What do people think the biggest lessons from the history of the web are? What do you hope "comes back", what are you hoping stays dead, and what do you hope is to come?

I'd appreciate RTs (and long detailed replies lol)!

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@oluOnline That linkbacks ala tumblr did not automatically solve information organization and curation, which will always require a human touch to emerge new knowledge. There is no auto-zettelkasten.

Dr. jonny phd

@oluOnline i'm gonna wait and read some of the other replies before saying anything, except to say now this is the kinda question that has the potential to get the whole fedi worked up and not let your notifications rest for days

Brinin’ Rotkel

@oluOnline Peopke will flock to proprietary systems because they offer something new and flashy, but only open standards will still be there a decade or more later.

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