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Martin Owens :inkscape:

@Maverynthia @mcc

Honestly. This is a really interesting conversation about labour. Because, yes, QA people should exist and should be paid. Jut like open source programmers should be paid.

But. Consider directed vs. undirected work. The first is you being told what to do, i.e. a job, and the second is you making your own mind up about what is the best value for yourself or (important in this case) your social group.

The context matters for labour rights I think. Especially in open source.

1 comment

@doctormo @mcc

I'm of the mind that if it's FREE open source then QA is probably going to be free labor as everyone is doing it for the good of everyone.

If it's not free then that's when you get into how much effort was done in the initial QA and how much is knowingly being forced into free QA labor. Or even tricking people into paying to be QA testers (Early Access)

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