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@mcc Tbh my next little game uses ncurses to making it work on windows will be a waking nightmare. So I am tempted to just... not.

I am NOT trying to make money with these games. I am doing them for fun. If I just release it on linux and mac... I get dedicated players, technically savvy, interested in niche games... and I don't have to support Windows users.


@vampiress probably depends on which versions you intend to target; Win7 would still be hell (or Cygwin which is its own hell), but for Windows 10 (with its built-in VT support) I kind of expect ncurses stuff would Mostly Work? they've been moving towards VT pretty hard recently

(I guess it helps that they've been working on it on GitHub where people don't shy away from reporting bugs, too)


@vampiress @mcc but shouldn't current Windows versions be fine here due to improved terminal support? 🤔 Just require Windows 10 with the 1511 update and you should be good to go 😅


@pascaldragon @mcc So I read. Then I tried to get it working and it was a nightmare. So no, not quite that simple.


@pascaldragon @mcc TBH I plan to do an SDL based version anyway so I might just wait until that’s done before doing a Windows version.


@pascaldragon @mcc Also just... you make a text mode game, you get linux and mac people interested. My last one HAS a windows version but from what limited telemetry I have almost nobody uses the windows version.

Christopher Biggs

@vampiress @mcc Id so be there for releasing it as a self booting ISO on 75mm CD and novelty-shaped usb stick.


@vampiress @mcc well now you've made me curious! What is this ncurses based game you're talking about, and where/when can I get a hold of a copy?


@stenpett Thanks! It's been a blast to work on, and learn more about roguelikes in the process.

Howard Chu @ Symas

@vampiress @mcc I used to work with ncurses on Windows; had to load ansi.sys in config.sys back then. It was easier to start with the Atari ST port of ncurses than to try to get the plain Unix version working.


@vampiress @mcc maybe looking at how Textual manages to be cross platform will help.

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