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Martin Vermeer FCD

@grimpen @shoq This is true, though on the other hand, the ruling class is more Ashkenazi dominated. But also, it doesn't matter much: the European Jews making up the Zionist movement did not represent European colonialism, though interacting with and partly benefiting from it. There is no 'homeland' in Europe that Israel is a settler colony of and Israelis could 'return' to: Israel *is* the homeland. Especially of the current, often already fourth or fifth generation Israelis.

Grimpen Mar

@martinvermeer @shoq yes, and the article makes that point, that early Zionist organizations were actively suppressed by European powers (as outlined in the article). I just find it ironic that there is a myth that Jewish = European = colonizers when Israelis of Ashkenazi descent are not the majority, and that Jews have always lived in the area.

Martin Vermeer FCD

@grimpen @shoq ...and Lord Balfour known to be an antisemite...

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