Once you see the truth about a few widely held misconceptions. the conflict starts to make a
lot more sense.

Myth #1: The confl'ct is too complex to possibly

This is. in many ways, the lsraelsPalestine misconception from which all other Israel*F*alestine
misconceptions flow: that the conflict is an impossibly complicated mess so far beyond
human untangling or comprehension that we should not really try.

It's true that lsraeeralestine is complicated, but it's not that complicated (you can getflle
full pr'lner here). At its most basic level, the conflict between lsraelis and Palestinians is over
who gem what land and how that land is controlled. Ves, there are some very thorny details 7
how to divide the city of Jerusalem, for example 7 but the list of such details is not
impossibly long. And while these issues can be extremely difficult to resolve. graspingthem is