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Roni Laukkarinen

Fedi on Fire first beta is now released! I just had to try and do it... Watch those endless Fediverse posts flow! :meow_hearteyes: Check it out at

#Mastodon #WebDev #MastoAdmin #CSS #JS #Streaming #API

Roni Laukkarinen

Now I can always link this if someone says the Fediverse is dead.

Roni Laukkarinen

@NafiTheBear Thanks! I'll refine it when I have more energy. But the prototype works!


@rolle Wow this almost looks like an IRC hahaha

Stefan Bohacek

@rolle I just noticed the link to, nice! Thank you for the shout-out!

Mikhail Paulyshka

@rolle Some bottom stuff doesn't fit (Google Pixel 6, Android 14, Chrome 118, viewport 412x762 dpr 2.63)

Roni Laukkarinen

@mixaill I KNOW man, it's beta, chill :sadblob: :rip:

Gotta eat and sleep...

Pasi Kallinen

@rolle Wheee! :) I tried clicking on the red live marker, I thought it would toggle offline/live

Roni Laukkarinen

@alex Right? Thanks. It turned out AWESOME. I like watching it a lot.

Ilkka Tengvall

@rolle awesome! An idea, how abot adding cauge cockpit at top, things like toots per minute or hour, average toots per minute today, different tooters per minute/hour... like car trip computer or smth.

Roni Laukkarinen

@ikkeT Nice idea. Maybe not cauge first, but numbers would be cool. Perhaps on modal. I'll think about it after I get the filtering done.

Shadow, First of His Name

@rolle This is fantastic. Now go rest, gain energy, there's always next day.


Is it just a feed of the Fediverse content?


@rolle this is exciting! Thank you for your efforts!

polarity :wig:

@rolle oh that looks nice, this will be really useful with filtering :) good work

Lety Does Stuff

@rolle The fun part is this is only a small fraction of Fediverse content. Lots of servers don't federate with Mastodon Social, or a lot of the users aren't followed by anyone on there, like a good chunk of Misskey users. Imagine how a true firehose might look???

Roni Laukkarinen

@lety Yeah. I'm figuring out a way to add as much as possible to that feed. Someone found a way but sadly the code is outdated:


@rolle This is so satisfying to look at, I love it!

Tim Chambers

@rolle How is this different from the view on your server for federation? More real time? More federated data than most servers see? Plus love the filters.


@tchambers @rolle I have a small instance, so the explore tab is basically dead.

Blake Leonard For one, it's presented differently, and for two, I think it's maybe built on a larger firehose, so you see way more than on any specific instance's federated timeline.

I think this thing is both a personal safety nightmare waiting to happen and potentially a huge help to people on smaller/single-user instances.

Manu 🇵🇸 #FreePalestine

@rolle If you could enable subscription as a relay based on the language filter, that would be so cool!


@rolle language filter is not working for me, is that possible?


@rolle Not exactly mobile friendly yet hehe but I bet it’s great on desktop!


Brett Elliff

@rolle this is really badass and quite fun to watch!

Gianmarco Gargiulo :tux: :kde:

@rolle the site to show to the people who say "Mastodon/the Fediverse is dead."


Hyvältä näyttää! Jämerää duunia! 💪 👏

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