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tiddy roosevelt

By far the cutest photo of a rat I have ever taken


@babe pixar lookin ass lil dude. looks like they're about to set off on a great adventure and learn the value of friendship


@babe lil buddy's got their first act "i want" song all choreographed and ready to go

VTuber Jiggle Physics Engine

@babe @PhoebeWallerPalladino

y'all think this is cute, wait until he wants you to pay for him to go to culinary school

tiddy roosevelt

The only things missing are a top hat and cane


@babe by far the fattest photo of a rat I've ever seen (pregnant?)


@babe Professional rat wrestling. Just look at those arms!

Jimmy Stabbedguy

@babe he looks like he's just had his comfy and uneventful life turned upside down by an unexpected turn, such as inheriting a strange business from an eccentric uncle he didn't even know he had

AndThisIsMrsPeacock πŸ³β€πŸŒˆ

@BDA @babe Cover art for "Mr Rattleigh and the Biscuit Factory", the first in the popular line of "Mr Rattleigh" books, by Deirdre Chunderton. (Dodd, Mead, 1947)


@babe They make the niftiest little pets.

Michael W LucasΒΉ :flan_mail:


omg :blobratheart:

have you joined the rat posse, or is this a loaner rat?

Dan Wolfe

@babe not as cute as your photo, but I found this little guy in a shop along the US west coast

a memory of mia when i saw this i started shouting RAT at myself over and over again i love him


@babe "excuse me, sir.
do you have a minute to talk about cheesus our lord and saviour?"

it's kat! πŸ‰

@babe 'movin' to the country, gonna eat a lot of pizza'...

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