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Roni Laukkarinen

@alcea A bit slow but yes, then letโ€™s just build the filteringโ€ฆ workable ๐Ÿ‘

Roni Laukkarinen

@alcea Maybe @raikas could build it (I wonder how the API rate limit with work with that)? I could help in styling.

Roni ร„ikรคs โš›๏ธ

@rolle @alcea Instead of polling each server public feed the best way probably would be to use a very federated instance's ( or "all" live feed ๐Ÿคท. That requires the user to login with OAuth and implementing the streaming API.

That design is also doable, but it just pings the servers a lot and could be bandwidth heavy for users with slower internet.



If you are referring to the "hickups" those are because mouseover stops scroll, so you can click.

The scroll speed can be #increased, I don't #recommend it tho ๐Ÿ˜…

I like using a instance array, so lesser instances can be fed too if one wishes

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