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Roni Laukkarinen

If you like to torture youself, check out what people are babbling on Bluesky in real time about Mastodon:

#Firesky #Bluesky #API #Mastodon #Gossip

Roni Laukkarinen

Someone should do something like this for Fediverse. Or is there a tool like it already? I kinda like watching the messages flow.

#Fediverse #Firehose #Firesky #Mastodon #MastoAdmin #OpenSource


@rolle Hmm... that looks doable. Would you want to follow one instance or a bunch?

Roni Laukkarinen

@Andres That "chat type UI" + filtering options are nice.

Andres Jalinton

It shouldn't be difficult to have that from a Mastodon instance's API.

butterflyoffire ⏚

@rolle Nothing interesting about #Mastodon on #Bluesky. While there is more interesting content about Bluesky on Mastodon.


@ButterflyOfFire @rolle Most Bluesky users do have join a Mastodon instance, and among them many are not resentful towards Mastodon

While not all Mastodon users have joined bluesky and I know a number of them do not admire what bluesky is doing...

hybrid havoc :1m: :rm:

@rolle I think the closest you can come right now is just watching the Public feed of the largest + best-federated instance you can find.

@rolle I wonder if masto folks would appreciate this kind of transparency?

:solar: vivi

@rolle if it's just one instance that's just the Federated timeline, pretty much

Juha Haataja


Itselläni oli kyllä ihan kivaa lukiossa...

Troed Sångberg

@rolle Have they started federating? All messages were from bsky main server except this one:

73 million seconds


No, Bluesky just basically shows verified ownership of a domain by concatenating it to your username. Has nothing to do with federation, they are still using

cc: @rolle



This is why I have no interest in the people pushing their shiny new #RSS #Bluesky feed apps recently

I've read Bluesky streams periodically

I have no interest in it

Any of it


@rolle The same can be said when you follow the #Bluesky hashtag on Mastodon. Twitter/Bluesky users being defamed as "junkies" who need their "dopamine fix" by being "slaves to the algorithm", allegedly being disappointed by the lack of Mastodon's algorithm apparently makes them capitalist attention-seeking whores, or they're just simply fascists supporting a fascist platform (that's Bluesky, because of Jack Dorsey).

Mastodon is not one tiny bit better when it comes to self-righteousness.

casey is remote

@rolle It's kinda unreadable IMHO, it needs some buffers like #Twitch added to their native livechat client

Lety Does Stuff

@rolle Lmaooo

> If you like to torture yourself

I feel this describes a bad amount of people using Mastodon. Like, is it an age thing, or a culture thing? Mastodon is fun but I feel like people on the platform have a weird expectation for Mastodon to be a lifestyle or something more than literally just a website.

Misskey's size, development history, and decentralization are all comparable to Mastodon, and it seems like people there are a million times happier on average.


This is as good as I'll make it for now.
If that is what you wanted :blobcatgiggle2:

Roni Laukkarinen

@alcea A bit slow but yes, then let’s just build the filtering… workable 👍

Roni Laukkarinen

@alcea Maybe @raikas could build it (I wonder how the API rate limit with work with that)? I could help in styling.

Roni Äikäs ⚛️

@rolle @alcea Instead of polling each server public feed the best way probably would be to use a very federated instance's ( or "all" live feed 🤷. That requires the user to login with OAuth and implementing the streaming API.

That design is also doable, but it just pings the servers a lot and could be bandwidth heavy for users with slower internet.



If you are referring to the "hickups" those are because mouseover stops scroll, so you can click.

The scroll speed can be #increased, I don't #recommend it tho 😅

I like using a instance array, so lesser instances can be fed too if one wishes

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