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Fynn Becker


4 panel cartoon by War and Peas.

Panel 1: Two ships at sea, opposing each other. The one to the left has pink sails, the one on the right black sails. The sky is yellow-ish with the sun semi-low above the horizon. Sunset is approaching but it’s still a while to go.

Panel 2: The ships are closing in on each other and the frame is also way closer showing the two figureheads in detail. They look like female angels with long flowing robes and wings.



@warandpeas "If they won't be together then I don't believe in love anymore"


Alt text is something you add when you post, It's not up to everyone else to do it for you. but I will cause I really enjoy your work and people with sight difficulties deserve to enjoy it too...

Alt Text: A four frame comic cut into equal quarters.

Frame 1: a wide landscape where two ships are heading towards each other from different sides of the image

Frame 2: A close up of of the bows of both ships being adorned with women made of brass moving towards eeachother

Frame3: The statues of women begin to look as though they are kissing as the bows of the ships collide.

Frame 4: A one legged, pirate with an eyepatch smoking a pipe sees the two statues of women at the bows of each ship kissing says
"I ship it!"

Alt text is something you add when you post, It's not up to everyone else to do it for you. but I will cause I really enjoy your work and people with sight difficulties deserve to enjoy it too...

Alt Text: A four frame comic cut into equal quarters.

Frame 1: a wide landscape where two ships are heading towards each other from different sides of the image



for those like me who did not know this phrase:

Shipping refers to the act of rooting for two or more characters to become romantically or sexually involved. The term has been coined by the X-Files fandom back in the 90s to refer to protagonists Mulder and Scully.

Del C :mastodon:

@warandpeas OK now i must know their names, for the obligatory mashup of the 2 names into the ship-name


@warandpeas This needs alt text! #alt4u

A four panel comic by War and Peas, originally published 2019-03-24.

Two ships are on the distant horizon with open water surrounding them. Their sails are pink and grey respectively, both with brown wooden hulls and cannon portholes. The sun shines intensely.


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