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Alex Schroeder

I managed to do the backup I wanted so that I could do the next thing: migrate from PureOS to Debian. And I think I failed big time. I still have a session, I can start Emacs and Firefox, but the terminal is hosed, and I can't run sudo anymore. 😱

Alex Schroeder

I booted up an old MacBook Pro and downloaded a Debian installer image, put it on a stick, moved that one to the old laptop, booted from it, entered the rescue system, which allowed me to decrypt the disk and all that, and finally to move the libcrypt1 files to the right place! And then I rebooted the laptop and I was able to log in. I am amazed. Running sudo apt --fix-broken install right now. We'll see how it goes.

Alex Schroeder

I think I managed to migrate from PureOS to Debian Bookworm! Yay! The system is still missing packages and all that, but I think I'm going to keep it. Phew!

Alex Schroeder

I think I know why the fans are going crazy. It's my old nemesis returned from the grave: tracker-extract! This time it's tracker-extract-3 instead of tracker-store. It seems that nautilus depends on it. Oh nooooo! I checked all the dconf editor stuff I noted last time and they're still set. So… I guess they moved stuff around? I hate it.

The amount of stuff to read in order to understand how to disable this is amazing.

I think I know why the fans are going crazy. It's my old nemesis returned from the grave: tracker-extract! This time it's tracker-extract-3 instead of tracker-store. It seems that nautilus depends on it. Oh nooooo! I checked all the dconf editor stuff I noted last time and they're still set. So… I guess they moved stuff around? I hate it.

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