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Alex Schroeder

I think I managed to migrate from PureOS to Debian Bookworm! Yay! The system is still missing packages and all that, but I think I'm going to keep it. Phew!

1 comment
Alex Schroeder

I think I know why the fans are going crazy. It's my old nemesis returned from the grave: tracker-extract! This time it's tracker-extract-3 instead of tracker-store. It seems that nautilus depends on it. Oh nooooo! I checked all the dconf editor stuff I noted last time and they're still set. So… I guess they moved stuff around? I hate it.

The amount of stuff to read in order to understand how to disable this is amazing.

I think I know why the fans are going crazy. It's my old nemesis returned from the grave: tracker-extract! This time it's tracker-extract-3 instead of tracker-store. It seems that nautilus depends on it. Oh nooooo! I checked all the dconf editor stuff I noted last time and they're still set. So… I guess they moved stuff around? I hate it.

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