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Carita Sommer

Well said! ๐Ÿ‘
(But then: Are you just giving us your advice to not give any advice unless asked for? ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Daniil Baturin

@Carita_Sommer @vicgrinberg I received useful unsolicited advice multiple times.
Metaphorically, I might say something like "I'm driving nails with a screwdriver and it's so frustrating" and the advice to use a hammer (which I didn't know existed) was the most useful response I could have received.

Dr. Victoria Grinberg

@dmbaturin @Carita_Sommer Most advice I get a replies to a post of "I am driving nails with a specialized hammer" with "I googled and found the screwdriver may also work, have you tried it?", usually from hobby crafts guys who don't understand that due to my background, I'm rather experienced in professional handicraft in general.

Carita Sommer

@vicgrinberg @dmbaturin
There seems to be some disagreement on the subject. ๐Ÿ˜Š Still, I'm with you. ๐Ÿ‘

Dr Manabu Sakamoto (he/him)

@Carita_Sommer @vicgrinberg Are you asking for advice on the difference between posting vs commenting on someone elseโ€™s post?

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