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Brennan Stehling

@evan I'd prefer a model which is not as adversarial as unions are. The "co-determination” system in Germany is a good system where workers elect representatives to a company's supervisory board. This way the direction of the company and policies are directly influenced by workers. The current system the US has where workers must go on strike without pay for weeks or months to get fair contracts is harmful to workers as we saw with the writers strike.

By law, companies with more than 2,000 employees must have an equal number of worker elected representatives on the board. This reduces the friction between workers and management while ensuring workers have a voice and significant influence.

Andy Lundell 🙄

@brennansv @evan That all sounds good so long as the workers retain their ability to strike if it all falls apart on them.

jon r

@brennansv @evan Also the legal form dubbed 'worker coop' in the UK doesn't exist in many other legislations.

Here in the EU, if not trying to harmonise cooperative legislation, there are attempts at new legal forms where shared ownership is a mandatory quality.

So far the cooperatives movement has found different implementations throughout the globe, and we need to learn a lot more from each other how to use existing and advocate for new legal forms for fruitful ecosystems.


@brennansv Mitbestimmungsgesetz has been established after unions threatened with strikes and in most cases unions take part in this process.

Emma Builds 🚀

@brennansv @evan why not 100% worker control so we don't have to negotiate with capital?

Mary Branscombe

@brennansv @evan unions are only as adversarial as management makes them be

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