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Simon McGarr

@mathowie I had a version of this happen to me on a very serious litigation call with a client. I told them we had to focus on two points, in a very firm lawyerly tone.

Then a fleet of colourful balloons floated up around me to both our consternation.

Irenes (many)

@Tupp_ed @mathowie we have this whole thing where we think it's important to identify the good parts of early microcomputing culture, the stuff that's worth carrying forward into the future, and then protect that. fundamentally what we want is for computers to continue to be tools to expand the human potential for discovery and creation, by staying explorative. tools for self-expression are part of that...


it's hardly self-expression when a company's algorithm decides what you want to say?

Irenes (many)

@Tupp_ed @mathowie it's as if Apple remembers its past, from the days when nobody quite knew what computers were going to be good for yet, so they're trying to conjure up that creative spirit but they also have everything so locked down for security and usability reasons that it's not possible for third parties to make this stuff

so they try to foist their own corporate creativity on the public, and convince us it's the same thing as if we'd come up with it ourselves

Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@Tupp_ed @mathowie it reminds me of how that American lawyer got "catified" by a filter (so he appeared on screen as a kitten) and had to tell the judge he wasn't a cat (in a Texas accent)...


@vfrmedia “I’m not a cat.” Lol. A class internet moment.


@WeShall @vfrmedia on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

*Cats* are immediately found and defenestrated though. We don't serve their kind here.

(Eddie: oops. Meant to stick this on another thread. Sorry for the incoming duplicate!)
(Edit: why in the world did Gboard autocorrect to *Eddie*? :blobfoxconfused: )


@vfrmedia @Tupp_ed @mathowie "That's exactly what a cat would say! Take him away."


@0x10f @vfrmedia @Tupp_ed @mathowie on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.

*Cats* are immediately found and defenestrated though. We don't serve their kind here.


@vfrmedia @Tupp_ed @mathowie

Damned near died laughing the first time I saw that. Just epic.

The early days of Zoom/Teams online meetings were pretty funny in general.

Michael Porter

@Tupp_ed @mathowie On the bright side, at least you weren’t a cat.

Xilabar the Dice Goblin

@Tupp_ed @mathowie what prompted the balloon emotes? Just curious. Did you hold up 2 fingers, and the phone interpreted it as a peace sign?

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