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Alex Schroeder

I used to believe that a real name policy would stop spam and vandalism. I thought people would feel repercussions in the workplace, in their circle of friends and families. And I was wrong. Oh so wrong.

"Alex Schroeder" is not what it says on my passport… For many trivial and funny reasons. Opinions on real name policies can change, and that not having them brings joy and relief even to those who have nothing to fear.

Websites that requires me to send proof of my real name by asking for copies of driving licenses, government id, passwords and the like? Fuck that shit.

Good thread:

Alex Schroeder

My great grandmother had five given names and a surname that sounds like a first name. Ida Elisabeth Karoline Margarete Dorothea Moritz. I bet she would have been annoyed with real name policies.

Alex Schroeder

My great grandfather had a name that the French wrote as LI Tching Tchoung Lin. I don't know how he wrote it, and neither does the French state, I assume. I have no doubt what he would have thought of real name policies.

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