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Darius Kazemi

Sometimes I find a non-peer-reviewed paper on Arxiv and I get dismayed that it wasn't a blog post. Like man, this thing could have been a cool blog post but instead you decided the rhetorical move of formatting it with LaTeX and uploading it to Arxiv was the way to get eyeballs on your idea. And maybe the authors are correct and it is, in fact, a better way to reach an audience than blogging!

idk what even my point is, ultimately I am just a 40 year old man who misses the golden age of blogs

Nick Tune 🇺🇦

@darius remember the days when people would start their blog with a post about how they were starting blogging... and then they never blogged?

Kids these days are missing out.

Darius Kazemi

@nick_tune my favorite blog post is "sorry I haven't blogged in a while!"

owlboy :thinkhappy:

@darius @nick_tune
The fact my next post needs to be one of those is part of what is extending my absence from my own blog.

esmevane, sorry

@darius there’s something really great about a nice, useful/interesting long-form blog post on someone’s personal site.

Trevor Flowers

@darius I wonder if they're posting on arxiv because it tracks references from other papers and they need to pump up their influence numbers for tenure or advancement. Do academics get rewarded for page views these days? 🤷


@darius I feel very strongly this way about law journal articles, and have for years. More people would read your long-ass article if it were a blog! But academics keep publishing in "real" outlets, either to get tenure and/or to be taken seriously. But, taken seriously by whom? They're writing mostly for each other, not for anyone else.

(I note your implicit distinction between non-peer-reviewed and not-yet-peer-reviewed. But also... most law journals aren't peer-reviewed at all!)

Emil "AngryAnt" Johansen

@darius @aras It needs to be a blog post so I can throw it at my Wallabag (Instapaper) as soon as I see it and then comfortably read it when there's time - regardless of connectivity.

The nice internet is possible, but it probably requires a majority pull in the right (unfortunately often less flashy) direction?

Fabian Giesen

@darius FWIW I mostly write blogs but have at one point explicitly put something on arXiv because it was intended for people to be able to cite it and an arXiv URL is, on the whole, a lot more of a stable reference on a multi-year timespan than most blog URLs are

Jesse Louis-Rosenberg

@darius I’m still blogging. Dropping a blog post about our latest project… as soon as it’s done

Martin Fenner

@darius I like preprints and blog posts and the boundaries are blurry. And I started to make it easier to find science blog posts, archive them, and give them a DOI. Making the boundaries even blurrier.

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