@Gargron AI is around to stay tho. It's amazing how quickly "blockchain" just vanished.
Like Game of Thrones after the finale. **Poof**
@alisca @Gargron It still makes me laugh how NFTs were "surely 100% no doubt" the most disruptive thing since smartphones. 😂
@alisca @Gargron Blockchains are still a very big thing in database architecture
@haaflife @Gargron sure but nobody gives a fuck anymore and they're doing nothing to leverage societal change.
Applications abound but nobody is buying t-shirts or getting tattoos anymore.
Ok. I have a small SHA-256 sig tattoo and a tux covered in PoW tokens but I'm weird like that
@alisca @Gargron It still makes me laugh how NFTs were "surely 100% no doubt" the most disruptive thing since smartphones. 😂