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Eugen Rochko

We already had something that turned text prompts into art, it was called paying an artist.

Ann Effes

@0 @Gargron

Lost in jargon:

(normaly "to be honest" - does not seem to make an awful lot of sense here... so what does it mean?) 🚀

@Ann_Effes @Gargron "This tbh" 🥳 It means you are superly agreeing with something

Ann Effes

@0 @Gargron

Okay, got the meaning, but what does "tbh" stands for literally then - I mean: "truth be hold", "tenfold bigger honesty" or "thats bexactly hright"... (LOL)


@Ann_Effes The literal meaning of "tbh" in "this tbh" is still "to be honest," but this usage is meant to emphasize agreement.

Ann Effes

@amateur_ninja Okay.
I guess I will not adopt that then.


@Ann_Effes @amateur_ninja
Me neither.

Every time someone says "to be honest," I cringe and really hope I haven't been told all lies up to this very moment, when truth-telling became necessary to somehow being emphasized.😉


@DaWoDerPfeffer @Ann_Effes Okay, so language is totally one of my hobbies and little things like this get me excited.

I think it's a good phrase overall, but today's usage is those Internet things I don't fully get either.

In day to day usage, it's handy to emphasize the sincerity of a statement or to soften a negative one. But sometimes it's also just filler and the person's not even aware they're saying it.

Add personal style, culture, context, etc. and it can get awkward though.

Greg Stolze

@Gargron People hate artists though.

Individuals love specific artists, and society loves art, culture, entertainment...

But at some point as it scales, the collective agrees to treat artists like absolute dogshit.

Perhaps it's because creators evoke strong emotions, and we naturally dislike more stuff than we like...

Lightning Bjornsson
@Gargron This was also more environmentally friendly. Even if the artist used Mastodon.
Underten Over

@Gargron ai isn't art. it's a glorified bar trick.


@Gargron just like we hire an orchestra every time we'd like to listen to some music.

Eugen Rochko

@infiniterecursion You don't hire an orchestra to create new music. You hire a composer.


@infiniterecursion @Gargron you hire an artist to MAKE art. You don’t have to pay to VIEW art. You’d only hire a musician if you wanted a custom song.

Andreas K

@Gargron You do realize, that from the perspective of a rentier capitalist, that old model had a very big problem, called “artist” that wanted to be paid?

Kit Rhett Aultman

@yacc143 @Gargron true, but with Amazon exploring the need for their own nuclear reactors to power ML training, I do wonder how much one "pays" the ML.

Andreas K

@roadriverrail @Gargron Well, nuclear plants are a nice way to greenwash your energy needs.

(Not that arguably it might be a short-term solution to avoid CO²)

System Adminihater

@Gargron and we already had a way to host apps on the Internet, but AWS still killed thousands of companies for no actual productivity gain.

Kirk 🐦👋🐘

@Gargron I'm fed up with reading these luddite criticisms based on nothing, you are 30 years old, you are no longer a child even if you reason as if you were.


@Gargron they played us for absolute fools

Mr. E. Grey Seale

@Gargron so gig workers are what you support? Artist need more support than a possible future commercial transaction.


@Gargron I get your point. But: computer was once a term for a person that computes... I'd say there have always been such side effects of technological evolution. That change (replacing/automating human jobs) shouldn't be too abrupt though.


@Gargron I paid an artist something like $500 to illustrate a D&D character once. That's expensive!

Oliver Busch

@Gargron I find it quite amusing that there are now so many ML-generated images, that image-generation ML models are now trained partly with ML-generated images.
Digital incest, kinda.


@Gargron I really like the feature where the same prompt can be handed to multiple artists in parallel, and the resulting works can be hung adjacent to each other for everyone to enjoy the juxtaposition of styles and interpretation.

J. R. DePriest :verified_trans: :donor: :Moopsy: :EA DATA. SF:

This is a really great, simple take that I think can be turned into a soundbite to hit back at techbros.
Thanks for sharing it with the world.

Phil Moore

@Gargron @0x00string But would those paid artists create uncanny valley-like images that look way too human until you look too close and see the horror lurking within hmmm?

Lynn Grant

@Gargron With Midjourney, you have to try your prompt, over and over, with slight variations, until it randomly gives you something like what you wanted.

With an artist, the number of iterations is usually 1 or 2, and you are a lot more likely to get exactly what you want.

Ian Rennie

@Gargron every now and then I wonder whether the kind of people who claim they "made" their AI art would claim they "made" their commissioned art, but of course they would.

Craig Stewart

@Gargron the fact that "AI" is a cheap way to not pay artists is a fair one to make, but let's not forget that the current state of the art "AI" systems can only get better at making that art by ripping off those same artists. This means that once all the real art is gone "AI" is just going to get worse, and having starved out all the artists we're all going to be worse off for it.

Martin Ingram

@Gargron Unfortunately that’s the Luddite argument. The logical endpoint is that we employ everyone to dig holes in the road with spoons.

The better argument is that artists create something original, even if it builds upon the work of others (as it inevitably does).

“AI” by definition can only create a parody.

Artists (or indeed software developers) who do the same are (unfortunately for them) ripe for replacement.

Dave Rahardja (he/him)

@Gargron But it made *artists* rich and not investors, so


@Gargron, I don't think art & music education in the US does enough to impress most people with how difficult it is to make art. There's so much slickly produced advertising art in our culture that people just think it just happens. In any case, they rarely seem to consider the effort and training behind it. As an amateur photographer I know how hard it is to get the "perfect" shot.


@Gargron yes but how does this pearl clutching about AI jive with your decision to, lol, go ahead and connect the fediverse to corporate social media systems that are used to train said AI?

How confusing for some of us, who only came to masto in the first place to get away from all of that, and then here you are complaining about AI? Ironic.


@Gargron we already had modes of moving people from one place to an other, it was called "walking".

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