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Damon Outlaw
How does it threaten the future of the Fedi? That seems to be a stretch. I believe a bigger threat is hamstrung admins that are only expected to survive on donations. People want to tell “small instances” but that’s not the solution & we can’t make the medium to large instances kick people off and go small. Just look at this year alone and how many instances are offline. That to me is a danger to the future of the Fediverse, culturally being opposed to admin’s financially supporting themselves is also a huge threat. runs fine and between individuals and companies it gets plenty of donations

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Fedi.Tips 🎄


The threat to the future of the Fediverse is that if everyone is on one server, someone like Musk (or whoever) can come along and buy it.

As long as we are spread out on many servers, such buyouts are much more difficult.

That's why decentralisation through federation is so important on here.


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