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Tom Ritchford

@MeeMee @MiriShuli @chu @Ulzana @Niall

None of these things is even 1% adequate to the massive, existential problem facing the world.

It is like using a teaspoon to put out a forest fire.

We need to decrease our carbon dioxide output by 90% over a decade. But the current plans will have us producing about 10% more CO2 in a decade.

David Barkin replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @MeeMee @MiriShuli @chu @Niall

This doesn't seem to disturb the members of the Biden Cult, BECAUSE good old Joe Makes a Lot of "Noise" about Climate change, while actually doing almost nothing

DSJezebell replied to David

@Ulzana @MiriShuli @Niall @TomSwirly @chu electing members of the GOP doesn’t seem to bother the “burn it all down” cultists. If you aren’t voting for Dems then you aren’t doing a damned thing to move us forward. Splitting the ticket for pie in the sky is just stupid. Ignoring that is self destructive. Small steps are all we can do. Again, if you have a better idea then state so.

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