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David Barkin

@MeeMee @MiriShuli @chu @Niall

It seems to me that the only one who is being "willfully Ignorant' is you.

You seem to believe that Humanity can wait twenty five or thirty years before we worry about this Climate Hoax.

Sorry, I think the "handwriting is on the wall."

DSJezebell replied to David

@chu @MiriShuli @Niall @Ulzana you seem to think that small steps to address the issue are a waste of time and that, “let’s DEMAND” it now is some kind of solution. How does that work exactly? Still haven’t answered my question.

Tom Ritchford replied to DSJezebell

@MeeMee @chu @MiriShuli @Niall @Ulzana

Ah, I first remember hearing about small steps in the Nixon administration! And I've heard it every year since.

We needed to take small steps 50 years ago. Now we need to decarbonize by 90% in a decade to avoid catastrophe.

Small steps are worse than useless because they convince people that something is being done when it is not.

David Barkin replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @MeeMee @chu @MiriShuli @Niall

I think DSJezebell HATES Facts.

Have you no shame, using FACTS?

Passenger replied to Tom

@TomSwirly @MeeMee @chu @MiriShuli @Niall @Ulzana

Yeah, this. Tom and I disagree over some things, but I wholeheartedly agree on this point.

If we want to make only small changes, we have to start in good time. We failed to do so in this case, because back when it wasn't too late, people thought there was no need to make changes at all.

As it stands, our options are drastic immediate changes or extinction. Saying "drastic changes but not yet" or "small changes only" is simply denial.

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