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Captain of the SS El Faro

@chu I feel even just talking about these things and people look at you as some alarmist crackpot recounting some disaster movie. They look at a giant bridge and see it as strong, eternal. I see a high maintenance high tech delicately balanced structure that will rapidly fall in disrepair if so and so persons become unavailble, this chemical, that paint, this metal. Fragility. It's easy to look back and say what we should have done. Should have used the 1970's oil crisis to transition to electrical, shouldn't have used gas to bridge coal, should have beefed up infrastructure in the 1990's when we knew mitigation had failed. We did nothing, still do nothing and collapse is a real outcome.

People have no idea. None at all.


@bangskij @chu Should have built the IFR and the MSR. They both work. This is like how the ancient Greeks discovered steam power but slavery was easier.

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