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Erik Moeller

And no, I don't think it's worth going into "protected" mode so nobody claims your profile. I don't reserve accounts on Stormfront, and I don't have to do it on X.

Erik Moeller

Another reason to #DeleteYourAccount on X instead of parking it in protected mode: it makes numbers go down. And unfortunately, many organizations look at follower numbers and think "oh, we still have a huge presence here, we cannot give that up". If you leave X, make it count - literally.

Damon Kiesow

@eloquence Keep your account but delete the tweets and unfollow everyone.

Erik Moeller

@dkiesow For folks really worried about impersonation that might be a good option. But I think it's giving X too much credit to park identities there. It's a trashfire. No need to stick around.

Damon Kiesow

@eloquence Yes but it is my passive aggressive way to gum up the works.


@eloquence @dkiesow

I'm helping watch over a leftist account with 50k followers. We don't post on the account anymore, and I hate to delete the historical archive of this account's myriad interactions through the years, as that historical record does have value for society. On the other hand, to have this archive providing value to a Nazi is antithetical to our mission. And the whole site is headed for oblivion anyway, it's not sustainable. So it is with corporate things, they all crumble and turn to dust, sooner than later.

@eloquence @dkiesow

I'm helping watch over a leftist account with 50k followers. We don't post on the account anymore, and I hate to delete the historical archive of this account's myriad interactions through the years, as that historical record does have value for society. On the other hand, to have this archive providing value to a Nazi is antithetical to our mission. And the whole site is headed for oblivion anyway, it's not sustainable. So it is with corporate things, they all crumble and turn...

Erik Moeller

@heyjupiter @dkiesow

You might find by @darius useful. I've not tested it, but assuming it still works, it seems like a very straightforward path for hosting an archive.

EmberQuill :v_gf:

@eloquence I deleted my twitter account a while ago, but I ended up registering a new one (with a throwaway name) so I could see age-restricted tweets. Although I use it so rarely by now that I might delete that one too soon.

@eloquence I don't trust musk to not lie about the numbers, though
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