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Randahl Fink

If you were previously disappointed with the search function on Mastodon, I highly recommend you try it again, as it has improved considerably.

We used to only be able to search for hashtags, but now it feels much more like normal textual search.

Steve Hersey

I just tried searching for a plausible term, and I can find matching profile names, but cannot find posts containing the term. Is that how it is supposed to work?

Randahl Fink

@n1xnx if I search for "sevastopol" using the Ivory app or the default app, I get many posts about attacks on the Crimean city of Sevastopol.
Which app are you using?

Randahl Fink

@jabsonik yes! We really needed this improvement, so thanks to @Gargron and the team. It is awesome.

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