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Uncle Duke

Regarding the alt text. Mea culpa. I am old enough to have known better. I’m even old enough to have used 5.25s before them. Honestly, I wasn’t looking closely enough. Next free moment, I will consider stabbing myself with a salad fork. Good day.

HyperZonk 🤷🏻‍♂️

@UncleDuke1969 Not to add insult to injury, but isn't that a 3.5"?

... I'll show myself out.

Neo-Luddite Gregly

@UncleDuke1969 Attribution: this is @foone ‘s picture of one of their drives


@gregly @UncleDuke1969 it is (and I still have this drive on my shelf) but at this point this image belongs to the internet

Uncle Duke

@foone @gregly this representative of the internet thanks you

KT, who's FINALLY at MFF,

You're going to cheat and use a soup spoon, and then say "mea culpa" again, aren't you? :AutNyah:

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