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🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

So I found this cool new tool that looks like a very new take on the idea of a blocklist, not really sure I can even call it a block list.

As I understand it it does a few things:

1) Only system administrators can get accounts, but users can view the data

2) a chain of trust which in and of itself only proves you arent a spammer. Anyone in the chain of trust can add other instances. Once an instance is in the chain then their admin can get an account and contribute

3) an instance in the chain of trust can add up to 20 other instances to the chain of trust. Should the instance loose their trust from their parent then the entire chain breaks including instances it trusted.

4) You can add endorsements.. this is stronger than adding someone to the chain of trust. It is a way of you saying "this is a good server" and explaining what features make them a server you endorce

5) You can censure instances too, these are instances you block and give reasons why.

6) there are also lesser categories like hesitations where you can list concerns but not suggesting blocking.

7) All this can be automatically populated from your instances black/white list if you wish. Or you can add entries manually

8) you get a little badge you can put on your servers about me that shows the number of endorsements you have live.

I do highly encourage everyone to check it out.


@freemo Honestly, even this has vibes of drama to me (and creates an emotion of "why won't y'all just get along"), lol.

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@olives if people are involved.. there will be drama...

lord pthenq1

It is the most stupid idea I heard in a while.

Your site is blocked for hundred of instances and STILL you recommend a stronger blocker.

There's a reason why our species still has trouble with COVID...

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


> Your site is blocked for hundred of instances

Not really.. there was a movement a while back to fake the numbers where hundreds of one-user instances were formed to block us just to artificially inflate the numbers to make it look like we are blocked. We remain one of the top servers in terms of federation footprint (last I checked was top 30)

> and STILL you recommend a stronger blocker.

What do you mean by "strong blocked"... I support this because tis the first system built off an open democratic system that appears to work in a way where bullying wont game the system very well (due to chain of trust implementation... assuming the top level is responsible).


> Your site is blocked for hundred of instances

Not really.. there was a movement a while back to fake the numbers where hundreds of one-user instances were formed to block us just to artificially inflate the numbers to make it look like we are blocked. We remain one of the top servers in terms of federation footprint (last I checked was top 30)

Alexey Skobkin

It really looks cool.
We've finally got guarantee and I've spent some time spreading our guarantees and some endorsements too.

Also I've just wrote a feature request for it which I think could be useful for instances with more flexible moderation policies than usual:

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@skobkin I reached out to them seeing if they would be interested in me contributing some features... no response... I may just fork it and run my own if its not actively maintained

Alexey Skobkin

It's sad. Without decentralization support from this platform, fragmentation is not very good for it 😐

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