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Alexey Skobkin

If someone has a spare vote for us ( and believe that we're worthy of it, we'll be grateful 🙂

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱


Since you untagged everyone no one will see it.

Also keep in mind garuntees only are an indication an instance is not mostly spam/fake accounts. Endorsements are more praise worthy.... So ideally it should be a light barrier to entry to get a garuntee.

Of course people need to be tagged to hear your ask :)

Alexey Skobkin

I understand, but I don't want to bother people to get it.
If someone will see that and vote for us it'll be nice. If don't, we'll probably get it later 👌

🎓 Dr. Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱

@skobkin Thats fair, and considerate... I dont usually worry about it cause people can mute the convo if they want.

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